B.Arch (hons) MSc PGcert ARB
Susie graduated from the Mackintosh School of Architecture in Glasgow before completing a Masters in Architectural Conservation at the University of Edinburgh and a Postgraduate Certificate in Heritage Management at the Ironbridge International Institute for Cultural Heritage. She has worked in the built heritage sector for over 15 years with past employers including Simpson & Brown Architects (Edinburgh), Giles Quarme Architects (London), Historic Environment Scotland and the Royal Commission on the Ancient and Historic Monuments of Scotland (RCAHMS).
For the past 10 years, Susie has been working exclusively on heritage-led urban regeneration projects throughout Scotland, focusing on Conservation Areas displaying particular social or economic need.
Alongside design work, Susie brings her specialist advice and experience to Mary Carslaw Architects, consulting on the restoration and conversion of listed buildings and development within conservation areas.